A general forum rules information page.
Below are forum rules that you must follow.
Violation of any of these rules can result in your account and IP address being banned from our forum.
1. General.
1.1. Advertisement is not allowed.
1.2. Website promotion is not allowed.
1.3. Warez links are not allowed.
1.4. We don't tolerate any harassing, insulting or disrespecting against forum members.
2. Posting.
2.1. Racist, sexist, hateful or any other post that the staff of this forum determine to be not suitable will be deleted and the member may be banned.
2.2. Posts should be made in the correct forum and also be on topic.
2.3. Posts should be made in line with the "Internet etiquette".
2.4. Do not use obscene lexicon (bad/mature words) or at least always blur them.
2.5. Do not bump old topics (over 3 months and older), unless you have something really useful to add on the subject.
2.6. The staff of this forum will determine if your post is acceptable.
3. Signature.
3.1. A maximum of 2 lines and 256 symbols in your signature are allowed.
3.2. No more than 1 link can be used in your signature.
3.3. Font size in signature can't exceed 3.
3.4. Images in signature are not allowed.
3.5. Text in your signature must be made in line with paragraphs 1 and 2 of these forum rules.
3.6. The staff of this forum will determine if your signature is acceptable.
4. Avatar.
4.1. Size of your avatar can't exceed 75x75 pixels and 65 kb.
4.2. Your avatar must be set in line with paragraphs 1 and 2 of these forum rules.
4.3. The staff of this forum will determine if your avatar is acceptable.
5. Private message and E-Mail.
5.1. Same rules as forum posting.